Blog Takeover 3

Mi casa su casa!

Always be eager to practice hospitality.  Romans 12:13 (NLT)

Hospitality seems to come naturally for the Mayan villagers.  They are grateful people who desired to show their appreciation for our time and our gifts.  It was one of those times when you set out to bless someone and the very opposite happens… they end up blessing you.

In the village of Gavilanes, a family (a pastor and his wife) invited us into their home for a meal.  Their home was typical:  stick walls, thatch roof and dirt floors.  No electricity and no plumbing.  They didn’t worry over how their home looked.  They just wanted to enjoy time with us.

Here are our hosts:

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And their home:

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And their kitchen:

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They prepared (over a fire) and served salbutes: corn tortillas with chicken, cabbage, tomatoes, red onion and a light salsa seasoning ~ yummy!  It was a big sacrifice for them to prepare such a meal.

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And I am sure they used their best chicken (it was free range and cage free as their chickens had full access to their yard).


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Our hosts smiled with delight when we said:  La comida es muy deliciosa, which translates, the food is very delicious ~ I worked very hard to learn that sentence!

The whole experience made me think twice about the times I’ve had guests over and how I stress over my house being “picked up and tidy” and having things “just right.”  These concerns were just not there with our Mayan friends.  They were 100% about serving us, and enjoying our company… wow!

It was a wonderful time of fellowship!