Blog Takeover 2

* First and foremost, don’t forget that the midweek service continues tonight—”The Bait of Satan.” The service begins at 6:30 in the main auditorium.

Here is part 2 of the 10 part Mayan Mission’s Take Aways.

Courtesy of my favorite blogger, Michelle Singleton.

One of my favorite girls who was very excited over herdulce (candy).


Take-Away #2

The first village we visited was in Felipe Carillo Puerta and the beautiful Mayan people.

As I struggled to communicate through the language barrier, I was reminded that each face had a name. And each name had a story. God has not forgotten these people. He will not forget any of us.

Isaiah 49:15-16(NLT) I will notforget you. See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.

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