Impact! — “Leave a Mark”

Guess what?

That’s right, 3:00 am!

Gotta love when God won’t let you sleep. Tonight is one of those nights. So I thought I’d share some of what’s on my heart with any other night owls out there.

Most of the posts this week and next will be about one thing…IMPACT!—Our upcoming series. This one is near and dear to my heart in that it has been my desire for Southbrook Church and my own life for years.

If God were to stand before you and ask, “What one thing do you want said of your life?” What would it be?

I knew mine right away. I want my life to count in such a way as to impact all those I come in contact with—the kind of impact that lasts—the kind that leaves a mark. In this life we are not called to be “Christian KGB.” Are identities are not synonymous with Jason Bourne in that we don’t truly know who we are! We are Christians—literally, ‘little Christs.’ And we know that Jesus impacted everyone He touched—so should we.

That needs to somehow be true of my life. It needs to somehow be true of yours.

That’s one of the reasons I’m glad we are going through the gospel of John as a church each weekend. It is an intimate study of the play maker, Jesus Christ. It’s also one of the reasons I’m glad we are studying the things that sideline most believers on Wednesday nights. The weekends are about offense. The Midweek service is about defense. I guess it’s fitting in a way. They say the best offense is a good defense.

Or something like that.