“Sift” Happens!

There are few things we can count on in life—few things that are sure. We’ve all heard the basic two—death and taxes. But believe it or not, there are a few more. And for all those ‘other’ certainties—rather than go into detail, why don’t I just go ahead and say that, “Sift Happens?”

Sift,” I said, not what you’re thinking. Although it sure feels like it sometimes. Being sifted is rough stuff. But the process is not without purpose—even though it can sometimes be the evil one himself who desires to “sift” us. Check the following verse out:

Luke 22:31–34,

 31″Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

 33But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.”

 34Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”

So, Satan likes to “sift” the big shots Eh? The bigger the big shot the tougher the “sifting,” is what I’ve observed. Not that they are a big shot in God’s eyes. With God it is the least who are the greatest—the servants who will one day be served. However, with the evil one, those who appear to be the biggest threat to him tend to get the full court press.

Peter had just finished placing first in Jeopardy with the answer, “Who is the Son of God?” He’s feeling pretty good—standing pretty tall—certainly not “sifting” material. But the Bible tells us that Peter had just put him self at the front of the “sifting line” with his new prideful outlook on life. The greater the pride, the more elite backstage pass you get to the very bowels of the sifting machine.

Peter—with his King Kong sized pride, earned him the special attention of Satan himself.

Now that’s an honor you don’t want—ever.

But it’s not all bad news. I have become convinced over the years that the sifting process is both necessary and beneficial. Tremendous growth can take place in times of severe sifting.

That’s what this series will be about.

Buckle up. It might take a while.


* Remember, THIS Wednesday marks the return of ‘Midweek @ Southbrook.’ I’ve got something on my heart that I have been dying to share with the SCC family. I hope you all (and the kids — Yes, there is child care) can join us at 6:30 PM in the main auditorium at our Weddington campus. See you there!