Sunday Evening Mind Dump

It’s been a real season of change for Southbrook and though I’m not one who hates change I know it can bring challenges galore. Nevertheless, God was on the move today at Southbrook

  • If God is for you. Who can be against you? Really?
  • Does that include Satan? Of course.
  • Good crowds today—decent at the first service—slammed at the second. Not really ready for it and had to pull out chairs before music was even half over.
  • I love it when I see chairs coming out!
  • Sad day too. The precious woman I visited in the hospital (the one I mentioned in service) went home to be with Jesus last night.
  • Was amazed at her courage and excitement at going home to be with Jesus. Do you have that kind of joy and confidence even facing death?
  • Getting pumped about the Christmas Eve services. This is the first service in our 10 year history that I did not either write, direct or act in some kind of play!
  • It feels good to put 100 percent of my efforts into the message. May the harvest be great for Jesus!!
  • It feels like a new day for Southbrook. Even though I often say (and believe) that our best days are ahead—I can honestly say…those days have begun!
  • Please continue to pray for all those for whom Christmas is not a happy time—all those who struggle to get through it. May God give all of them that peace that passes all understanding!
  • God is showing me more of Himself as I rely less on myself.
  • He is my rock
  • My defender
  • My ever present help


Don’t forget to invite, invite, invite for the Christmas Eve services! See info. below for an easy way!


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere! Maybe you’re like me and it’s your favorite time of year! All the decorations and lights—the giving and family times—awesome! But my favorite thing of all is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!

Woooo Hoooo!!!!

At Southbrook Weddington and Southbrook Monroe Christmas Eve is a time of harvest as well because the gospel is always woven into the message and the result is always huge! People will come home to Jesus this Christmas eve! So, all of this leads to a question…

Who are you inviting to Christmas Eve at Southbrook?

At Weddington there are 3 services and you would help us out greatly of you picked up tickets for the service you and your guests will be attending (3:30, 5:30 or 7:30) so that we can manage the crowds a little better. The tickets are free and only necessary for spacing people out. Monroe will only be having the 3:30 service so make sure you don’t miss that if you are a member of Southbrook Monroe!

An easy way to help is to use the E-vite at our website.

Click here for the Southbrook Weddington E-vite.

Click here for the Southbrook Monroe E-vite.

Merry Christmas! And I will see you all at the Brook!