Right now my oldest (Nathan) is growing out of using an old favorite ploy—”Can I have a second chance?”
My youngest, Juliana, is still at the top of the bell curve with it.
I guess that’s because we tended to give them second and third chances on issues when they were really little but tended to raise the bar with each year of maturity.
We have a rule in our house when it comes to behavior—obey quickly, quietly and with a good attitude. In the very beginning we gave extra chances because they were just learning the ropes. Soon we might give them another try if they (for example) obeyed quickly and quietly, but grumbled the entire time. We would address the ‘attitude angle’ and tell them to ‘go do it again’—only THIS time, with a sweet spirit.
Now Nathan knows that this stuff goes without saying. He knows that if he even attempts the opposites (slowly, loudly and angrily) that he isn’t going to get a second chance. He’s going to get consequences.
And, well, I’ve gotten alot of consequences in my life. And can I say this?…They’ve been good.
You think I’m nuts, huh?
Well, just hear me out ( I wasn’t planning on 4 hours going by before completing this post!)—I can be a stubborn idiot sometimes and I certainly don’t crave consequences like someone who loves self torture, but my loving Father lets them come nonetheless because, well, He loves me.
As I continue through the book of Numbers I’m still chewing on the many facets of God’s relationship with the Israelites through Moses. Sometimes they walk with Him, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes Moses leads well, sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes God gives them a second, third, fourth and five hundredth chance. Sometimes He doesn’t. Sometimes He says…’No, time to wander aimlessly until you come to the end of yourself and truly cry out for Me.’ And if all that wandering (consequences) leads (eventually) back to the foot of the cross then how can it be bad? Anyway…
I’m there.
Been there. Done that.
But I’m there again. And I don’t want to wander 40 years in the desert of my own stubbornness so let me say this and please don’t interrupt (i.e. log off ).
To date I’ve written over 1,000 posts on this blog. Some have helped people tremendously. Some have been a nice ‘thought for the day’ kinda thing, but some have wounded and hurt people I care greatly about. And while I can go down that incredibly lame road of ‘yeah, but I wasn’t writing about so and so…’ Who cares? Hurt is hurt.
Are you one of those people?
Then you may have long ago tuned me out. For you it might be too late. If not, maybe the word will spread if I leave this one up a few days and you will hear my heart felt words to you…
“I’m sorry.”
Today God showed me that He really never gave up on the Israelites. Even those who disobeyed and refused to enter the promised land at first got a second chance through their children.
Moses; however, did not.
He stood on a hill and watched the people enter in without him. A very sad day for Moses. I would love to be like Moses in every way but that one. God has called this church to do great things for Jesus Christ and I am honored to lead the charge. And as of right now I think I still have a green light to enter God’s visionary promises for His bride. But today, to keep that door open, forgiveness is needed…wanted…asked for. And I wanted to ask for it quickly, quietly, and with the right attitude.
Maybe I’ll blog some more. Maybe I won’t for a time. Either way, I’m glad to end this post with three very humbling words…
“please forgive me.”