Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Back by popular demand…

Ok, ok, so only one person mentioned the absence of the mind dump last week—that’s popular enough for me to get on it! Especially since I have a lot to unload after this weekend.

  • One of the toughest weekends to prepare for ever! Seems whenever God is going to move big, Satan moves in small, obnoxious ways first.
  • Despite all this, one of my favorite weekends ever!
  • 54 people trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation! THAT never, ever, ever gets old!
  • Raina Newman (our ‘Kid’s Play’ director) knocked it out of the park and showed me again that perseverance is well worth it!
  • 111 people have given their lives to Christ at Southbrook Church in the last couple weeks!
  • God is on the move at our church!
  • More than 60 men, women, teens and kids came together to pull off one of the coolest elements we’ve ever done!
  • Why is it that silly, meaningless things can go ‘viral’ so much easier than Christianity?
  • This is usually a fairly low weekend (in attendance) as some people head on out for the Thanksgiving holidays. We were slammed! Our biggest attendance ever for this time of year!
  • I was reminded—through the story of the “Woman at the Well” in John 4—that we can’t out sin God’s grace and love for us!
  • Don’t know that I ever realized that the Samaritan woman (aka: ‘The Woman at the Well’) was the only one (in John’s gospel) who Jesus told he was the Messiah! What does that say for those who think God should notice them on their own merit?


More later!