Promised Land or Wilderness?

Australian-wildlife-pictures-1Easy choice, right?

Seems like it, but the Israelites discovered that the rewards of the promised land were only realized after some pretty big steps of faith—some fairly eye-popping risks! And not just a few—sometimes many.

And, sadly, as they stood at the very threshold of their dream country and promised land, with the wilderness at their backs—fear overtook them and they opted for even desert wandering over what looked like an insurmountable hurdle into the promised land.

It would take 40 years and an entirely new team before they had that same opportunity again!

Thankfully, they remembered their past (been there, done that) and decided to follow Joshua over any and every hurdle in their path along the way to the promised land.

In John 10:10, Jesus promised His followers an abundant life. But that abundant life is not an automatic result of simply trusting Christ as your savior. No, it actually becomes available only to those how yield to Him as Lord as well.

For some people that’s just too big a hurdle.

So they wander and they wander and they wander throughout their Christian life, never really becoming all God intended for them to be—never really living that abundant life.

How bout you? What’s it gonna be? Milk and honey? or Manna Waffles every day? The Promised land or the desert?