As we continue our journey through the gospel of John at SCC—we will arrive (beginning THIS weekend) at the first of two of the most evangelical passages in all of scripture:
- The late night schooling of Nicodemus (ch. 3)
- The encounter with the ‘Woman at the Well (ch. 4).
The first would be the perfect time to invite all those friends (think, facebook), co-workers, neighbors and family who seem to have an endless stream of questions about God.
The second would be the perfect time to invite members of those same groups who seem to struggle with ‘not measuring up’ or ‘having too much baggage’ to matter to God.
God’s going to move BIG. He always does. The rest is up to you! If you need an excellant and easy way to get started with invites, use the e-vite links below.
Use the e-vite link appropriate for you below and I’ll see you all there!
Weddington Campus E-Vite, here.
Monroe Campus E-vite, here.