Sunday Evening Mind Dump

So many thoughts floating around in my head. This could easily be a SERIES, but I will refrain and keep it short.

  • Today was an all around great day!
  • High turn out at Southbrook Weddington. I guess people were pretty interested in the subject matter. We’re going through the gospel of John, and today we talked about how Jesus turned water to wine. That lead to a hot topic question… ‘Can Christians drink alcohol?’
  • It amazes me how many times I’ve heard preachers teach on this passage and ignore the obvious in favor of a preconceived bias they already have.
  • It was real wine people!
  • Equally amazed at how Christians like to use this passage and the fact that Jesus performed this miracle at a wedding (party) to justify going out and getting smashed. Drinking a glass of wine isn’t a sin.
  • But getting drunk IS!
  • Is this really that difficult? I’m just saying.
  • My Son, Nathan plays challenge soccer at Weddington and his team of mostly 11 and 12 year olds accidently got placed in the U-14/13 class. Needless to say, there have been slaughters. Not a single game won—not even a single GOAL scored…until tonight. Last game of the season and I asked God if Nathan could get a goal. He did! The only one of the season! Don’t tell me God doesn’t hear the “little prayers.”
  • Tomorrow Morning—bright and earl—the “Men of Southbrook” will have the opportunity to ‘Man-up’ once again. I love these guys. They are the ‘crack-a-dawners!’ I have something special to challenge them with. A great opportunity! I’d tell you about it here, but then you might not come!
  • This coming weekend is another time of harvest at SCC! In fact, the next 2 weekends are as we talk about Nicodemus and then the woman at the well. Hope everyone invites their socks off because God is gonna move in a ginormous way! Use the e-vite tool at for an easy way to invite! it’s a no-brainer.
  • Two weeks ago we challenged the volunteer leaders at Southbrook to ‘fill a table’ on November 8th. Most of us have done it before for less important reasons than the  “life transformation” that happens when an individual trusts in Jesus Christ for salvation. Want you all to know the staff at SCC is praying hard for you. We believe in you. And this is the week of the big ask. praying that God will give you boldness and sticktuitiveness to keep right on asking! We’re calling Nov. 8th, “The Nicodemus Project.’
  • The Nicodemus weekend would be great to bring all your friends who constantly bring up questions about Christianity—the intellectuals, agnostics and atheists. Or anyone who just wants answers from God. That’s basically Nicodemus in a nutshell.
  • The following week (Chapter 4 of John) is for all those who feel they are ‘too messed up’ for God to ever use or even care about. That’s basically the “Woman at the Well” in a nutshell.
  • I’m thankful that God showed me how to navigate a difficult topic today—Christians and drinking. Hopefully, this confusing topic was made clear for a lot of folks once and for all.
  • Better go. 5:15 am comes pretty early!