Divine Wine and Holy Humor

Water 2 wineAs we trek through the Gospel of John we arrive at some pretty interesting and controversial passages. This weekend is the first of them—Miracle numero uno for Jesus—water to wine.

So many questions…

So much fighting…

  • Is it okay for a Christian to drink alcohol?
  • Was it real wine Jesus turned the water into or Welches? <— That’s serious, believe it or not.
  • Wasn’t the wine so watered down that it was basically grape juice anyway?
  • Is one glass of wine okay?
  • How bout beer? That’s worse, right?
  • Mixed drinks?
  • Long Island Iced Tea?
  • Moonshine?
  • Rubbing alcohol?


Just kidding on that last one…or am I?

Join us this weekend and hear what the Bible has to say rather than man’s opinion.

We’ll give it to you straight up…oops, I mean, straight.


For whatever reason, this is always in the top 5 questions I get as a pastor. You wanna know? You really, really wanna know? Sure you can handle it? Because I think there’s a chance that YOU CAN”T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Sorry, I’m always looking for a chance to use that Jack Nicholson line and that seemed perfect…and slightly true .

So, since this is a hot button, invite your friends this weekend! Use the e-vite link appropriate for you below and I’ll see you all then!

*Note, please wait until Thursday afternoon (Oct. 29th) for the e-vites to be updated from “United” to “Divine.” Sorry for the delay.

Weddington Campus E-Vite, here.

Monroe Campus E-vite, here.