Sunday Evening Mind Dump

This mind dump is going to be just that—a backing up of the dump-truck (beep, beep, beep) and a depositing of what’s on my mind and heart. It’s what all my “Sunday Evening Mind Dumps” have been over the last couple years—only I just checked and I haven’t posted one of these (I was going to say, “takin a dump” but, for obvious reasons that didn’t sound quite right!) in a couple months!!

So, here goes…

In no particular order:

  • Kicked off our, “Divine” series today! A lot of folks were back! That was cool.
  • But where were they…hmmm
  • Cats away, mice will play.
  • But I wasn’t really away—just hanging around actually “being the church!”
  • I miss “United” because unity and harmony are so important to our Lord. However, Southbrook gets it and I know we will keep striving to go deeper, love greater and serve others more boldly because of what we learned over the very ‘different’ 6 weeks of that series.
  • I put out some pretty bold challenges for our people about what I believe the Lord has in store for Southbrook Church both at home and abroad.
  • Nobody even flinched! Maybe my vision is still too small!
  • Next Easter could be the greatest day in the history of our still relatively young church! If you don’t remember, think back to week 2 or so of the United series…wow!
  • It was cool to actually have others join us for “United.” Made me feel, well…more united.
  • Realizing that our journey through the book of John might end up making our journey through the book of Hebrews look rushed!
  • Several hundred people have come to know Jesus already this year at Southbrook! I feel another big day coming long about chapter 3 of the gospel of John! Pray for the harvest on that day!
  • I relaunched my blog (as I’m sure you realize at this point since you’re reading this post on it!) without ‘comments.’ The negative ones were wearing me out. There were hardly any, but seeing “Christians” take pot shots at anything and everything God does that doesn’t fit their little box was getting a little old. But now I really miss all the encouragement I got!
  • Hey, how about diverting those words of encouragement to my facebook account instead? What do you think? Just click the facebook icon on this page and put in a ‘friend’ request (unless you hate me—work through that first if you don’t mind). I’ll dial you in then you’ll get frequent updates.
  • Only ‘friends’ there—or so they say.
  • Even though I’ve read and studied the book of John more times than I can even recall—it’s as though it’s coming to life in a whole new way as I study it in order to teach it to the Southbrook family! I’m loving it!
  • The first message was called, “Ancient Future” but I’m sure the ancient will be colliding with the future a lot more than just today!
  • Speaking of ancient and future…I am going to try an ancient thing they call, “sleep” now. If I don’t, I won’t have much of a future!