The Least of These

Why do some people blow off little children as though they were no more than a nuisance?


They ‘get it’ better than 90 percent of the adults I know—including me! Children are not yet cynical like their larger, grumpier counterparts. Future men still believe they can take on the world—unlike their PC counterpart—men. Future women show respect and work hard as well as having a joy for the journey like their fello small people—boys. With them there’s often no hint of the Oprah worshipping anti-man group that is growing in the USA today.

So when does it happen?

Why does it happen?

It happens when the time and roll modeling of these unhealthy life views finally overtakes the time and mentoring they get from God and His people. And, if we do not raise them around godly principles and with time around the Lord’s people (that’s in church in case you didn’t get it — a good, Bible believing church too) and, most importantly, as godly parents with a good, healthy marriage—well, then the loss of innocense happens even sooner.

Liek we observe so much in our culture today.

That’s why I am soooooo thankful for the children’s ministry at Southbrook Church!

At Southbrook we do not simply babysit our kids. We count each and every one becasue each and every one counts greatly to God! Thanks to all our leaders who minister to kids at Southbrook!

You are doing a fantastic job!

Keep it up!

And for the rest of you struggling to win this battle? Why not get your kids involved at Southbrook.

It’s a start in the right direction.

A good one!