Things to Come

I’m thrilled about diving back into another book of the Bible at Southbrook Church! It all begins this weekend with…



The Gospel According to John


This will be (as it sounds) a journey through the entire gospel of John in a way you’ve never experienced it before! Come join us as the book is brought to life in a relevant way each and everyone of us can grab hold of and apply to everyday life!

Also, don’t forget to use the “e-vite” button on our Southbrook Church website to invite your friends, co-workers, classmates, family members, neighbors and anyone else you know! God will show up and lives will be changed!


* Also, Brookies, Frank Turrek will be continuing his apologetics (and “untouchables”) series tomorrow evening at the Weddington campus with a message taking on “Same Sex Marriage.” Believers need to be up to speed on what God has to say about this so don’t miss this time and if you know anyone who has questions regarding this issue—bring them along. There are a whole host of classes and lifegroups going on at all the campuses (12 classes in all) and I’m sure there’s one that interests you!

For DIVINE evites for Monroe, click here. For Weddington, click here.