Saying What Everyone Else is Thinking.

I gotta hand it to Tony Morgan. Oft times he says what everyone else is thinking. His most recent came in the form of a widdled down job retention statement. There had been times in his life where (as a CEO or Executive Pastor) he’d boiled down staff qualifications to 20 things or 10 things but now he says there are really only 2 that matter:

  1. “Are you doing a good job?”
  2. “Do I like you?”


Only Tony!


Here are some more comments from “Operation Be the Church.”

Dear Southbrook Partners,


Yesterday, when I got to school at 8:00 to help get ready I thought we might see 20 or so people come out to work at our school.  Amazingly there were well over 150 people here doing odd jobs around our school to help it look nicer.  From Sumo and his crew pressure washing to Dave and his crew doing demo on some shelves that needed to be removed, everyone pitched in to whatever  needed to be done.  All in all we weeded and mulched eight different flower beds, laid pine straw in two more, pressure washed over 500 ft. of awnings, re-vitalized our courtyard garden area, with the help of a chainsaw, and painted three murals throughout our school.  Why?  Simply put, because our church is more than four walls and awesome music.  You are moved by the holy spirit to give of your time to make the lives of others better.  For that I am thankful, I am thankful on behalf of this school, I am thankful to be associated with such Christ honoring people.  God never ceases to amaze me on what he can do!


I thank Rob for his leadership and listening to our loving and inspiring God.  We were truly UNITED yesterday!  I look forward to serving with you again.



Mike Harvey


Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts


And another one:


Ms. Abbott:

On behalf of the students, community and faculty/staff at Monroe Middle School, thank you for the work Southbrook Church did at Monroe Middle this morning.

The team of workers were genuine and certainly represented the qualities of Christ.  We are appreciative that Monroe Middle was chosen as a vineyard.  You all will be hearing more from us in the very near future.

Again, thank you and God bless.

Montrio M. Belton, Sr.


BTW Please be patient while we get this new blog fully functional! Personally, I think it blows away the old one! But things like the blogroll and subscribers button and some old pictures from previous posts are still being worked out—so, patience, young grasshoppers!