The Curious (spiritual) Case of Benjamin Button

Ever see this movie? Weird doesn’t begin to describe it.

It’s about an individual who is actually born ‘old.’ The only thing baby like about him is that he is small. Other than that, he is a frail, wrinkled old man.

Come to think of it, I guess that’s not much different than a new born. Hey, I’m not one of those guys who thinks all babies are cute—what can I say?

Well, as Benjamin grows he looks like a 99 year old at about age 3 and an 80 year old around 10 and so on and so on. Eventually, he hits the mid-way point (around 40) and everything equals out.

But that’s when things get even stranger.

As he ages (or, rather, ‘anti-ages’), he starts looking younger and younger and younger until, as a 70 year old, he appears to be no more than a young teenager.

What a bizarre concept for a movie. But, as strange as it was, it couldn’t help but get me thinking about how sad it would be to have to live like that. At first too mature for everyone around and then, in the end, too immature for everyone around—everything in reverse of how it was intended to be.

It’s like that when Christ followers stop growing and, in far too many cases, start an ‘anti-maturing’ process.

We need to talk about this because it’s epidemic—worse (spiritually speaking) than swine flu. This thing is a full blown pandemic in the church!

Check back for the vaccine.