This weekend come prepared to see church as you’ve never seen it before!
That’s right, after praise and worship and a few marching orders from me, we will be taking the love of Christ to the streets! For more on this, read yesterday’s post here.
Today I wanted to give a few more details so that this experience can be the best possible for the cause of Christ. The following are some questions that have come up:
- What if we have really young children? What can they do?
Well, they can go with you as a family to any one of the 7 locations around the Charlotte and Monroe areas and just be part of the experience. Many of the moms have already made the decision to sort of pool together and watch the real little ones as a part of their ministry for the day.
And I’d say that’s a great way to serve!
- Are we only having one service?
No, the service times will not change at Weddington or Monroe. We will be sending the folks from the 9:00 am service out first and then the 11:00 am folks.
- Is anyone putting together prayer for this thing?
That’s a great idea, and boy do we need it! So, others may go to the Southbrook Monroe campus and serve by praying for all those out there ministering to the communities. Or, better still, go to the location you have the greatest burden for and spend your time in prayer there.
Another great way to serve.
If any of you have more ideas to help make the day even better, leave them in the comment section of this blog and we’ll see if we can work them in.
Now, for the sad news…
Some of you wimped out on last night’s N.O.W. (Night of Worship) and it was most defiantly, positively, absolutely—your loss! I would say it was easily one of the best nights of worship we have had in years! And it was the first worship service for Greg Carr (our brand new worship pastor) and his wife Mia to lead together. They really brought us to the throne room of God! I couldn’t be more fired up with the direction of worship at Southbrook.
Don’t miss them this weekend as we worship together briefly before hitting the streets!
See you then!