Bad Hair Day

Donald-trump-bad-hair-dayI know it’s short notice and all but I have a dream—sure, it’s not quite as lofty as Martin Luther King, but it’s a dream nevertheless—a dream that the more than 4,000 men women and children who call Southbrook Church home would actually show up on a plain ole’ ordinary, non holiday weekend.

And four thousand isn’t some magical number—it’s just the current threshold. When we were 200 about 150 would show each week. When we were 500, maybe 350, max.

At a thousand…about 700

1,500 usually generated about 1,000 to 1200–-you guessed it…MAX.

The good side of these numbers is that the membership is always a lot lower than the attendance. That means that the members are the ones bringing people. When we were at a thousand, we only had about 300 covenant signing members. But those 300 were (and are) serious about the promises they made to God so they brought friends, neighbors and co-workers who needed to hear of the love of Christ.

In droves.

And whenever they show up (in droves) it’s a celebration to beat all celebrations! So, naturally, I dream about those kind of weekends every week. Then, today I thought I’d share my dream with the 6 of you who actually read this thing in the hopes that you could help make it come true this weekend. I’m talking about you coming to Southbrook as well as everyone you know who calls this church home—and a few guests to boot. Because, you see, the thing is, we are probably going to baptize over a hundred people this weekend and those days are hard to beat!…and sad to miss.

So don’t!

Miss it, that is.

Let this be, “No Excuse Sunday.” That means you show up (family in tow) even if the following apply:

  • The Panthers are playing and you feel they need you well rested in case you’re asked to go in for Steve Smith
  • You stayed out late Saturday night…whose fault is that?
  • The kids aren’t motivated. <— Who’s running that household anyway?
  • You’re having a bad hair day.
  • It’s too hot.
  • It’s too cold
  • It’s too sunny.
  • You’re having a bad hair day.
  • It’s too rainy. Ever heard of an umbrella? If not, know that our greeters have them in spades and they will be glade to walk you to the front door from your car.
  • It’s too humid and your hair frizzes in the humidity <— Are these people serious?
  • You have bed head.
  • You’re pretty sure they don’t have the flavor coffee you like best at the Southbrook Cafe.
  • You’re having a bad hair day.
  • There’s a race in town…somewhere…even if it’s two neighbor kids drag racing their go-carts, people love to use this one!
  • You’re pretty sure you’re going to have a bad hair day.
  • The check in line for kids takes too long.
  • The check out line for kids takes too long.
  • The parking lot is too crowded.
  • Did I mention I’m having a bad hair day?

There’s never a lack of excuses. If you want to put God last, you can always find a reason. But this weekend maybe, just maybe a bunch of us could try putting Him first and see what happens.

Just a thought.