
Bet you thought I forgot, didn’t you?

Well, I didn’t! Ok, maybe I kind of did but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one—and it’s a doosey!

Coming Soon!…

Southbrook Church is thrilled to announce that in the very near futre we will launch our online campus! — a weekly worship experience live and on the internet. It’s been in the works for well over a year, but since putting our videos online people have been tuning in at an ever increasing level to be a part of the spirit filled services that take place each week at Southbrook Church and this made now seem like the best time to go forward. Our desire now is to move this from a simple viewing of the message to a full blown campus complete with it’s own campus pastor and interaction through live chat for all those tuning in.

The world is changing gang, and the church needs to be in front of the change in order to create opportunities to reach more and more people with the love of Christ. This is just one more way Southbrook Church plans to be right there waiting for all those reaching out for hope and answers.

More details will follow, but please join me in praying for this venture into uncharted waters and for God to use it for His glory and honor!

I’m proud to be your pastor!
