When someone is referred to as, “The Teflon Man (or woman)” it isn’t a compliment—usually. They used to refer to former President Clintin as ‘The Teflon Man’—definitely not a label he wanted. But, for better or worse, the sex scandals, funny money deals and military secrets to China never delivered the knock out blow his enemies wanted them to. For whatever reason, they just wouldn’t stick.
Contrast this with President Nixon. Wow! What’s the opposite of Teflon? Super Glue? When it came to scandals, everything stuck to this guy—including things he didn’t do and things he had little to do with. Same with President Bush—much more of a glue president than a Teflon one. I don’t want to be either, but this blog post is about Teflon, so back to the point…For the most part, it (Teflon Man) refers to a shady character who somehow manages to weasel out of every indictment, every accusation and every case brought against them.
Well that’s good, isn’t it?
Not if the indictments, accusations and cases are true!
Is there ever a scenario where being a Teflon Man or Woman is actually a good thing?
Yes, when it comes to gossip. Gossip is like a deadly virus constantly seeking a host. When it finds a willing (listening ear) participant, it gladly makes its home within and soon that individual becomes a hub for all the sleazy, self serving whispers floating around in the spiritual atmosphere. When the word gets out, more gossip viruses will make their way to the host until they become like the New York Times—a distributer of mostly faulty information.
Ouch, was that outloud?
Guess it was, so I might as well continue. Ever notice how the New York Times constantly prints shaky news on their front page (Shaky: used here as…lies) and runs with it until someone exposes it for what it is and then…It’s time for a retraction.
Retraction: A withdraw or taking away of a former statement and setting right of the record. Usually accompanied with an apology.
And where are retractions normally found in the New York Times?
It depends on how many pages the paper is that day. If it’s 50 than you will find it somewhere between pages 40 and 48 or so (rough estimate).
Why not 50 while they’re at it? Because 50 is the ‘back page’ and they run the risk that hundreds who pick up the paper upside down will actually see their admission of dishonestly and cruelty. No, better to ‘bury it,’ as they say, in a place no one is likely to ever see it.
And that’s how it is in the Christian life sometimes as well. Unfortunately, many model the world here instead of the Lord. God says our gossip should be non existent, buried where it will do no harm—deep six those divisive rumors about others. Instead, we herald our gossip from the rooftops and it is the apologies and retractions that are whispered in back rooms or private letters.
As you might imagine, the Bible tells a pretty blunt story about how we are to handle Teflon sleaziness and back room retractions.
On Monday we’ll take a front page look.
Friends, don’t forget that the United series has only just begun! Keep on inviting those friends you’re praying for as the gospel will go out each week of the series! Below you will find some ‘help’ for your quest.
The most anticipated series in a long, long time at Southbrok Church is underway! I wanted to give everyone one more EASY way to get everyone you know to one of our campuses for this life changing experience. Here’s how you can…
* Use the E-vite tool from the Southbrook website! Details below.
The ‘E-Vites’ are back up on the website for an easy way to invite your friends to the opening of our, “United Series” this weekend. Click here for a Weddington e-vite and here for a Monroe e-vite. You can send as many of these as you want. Why not send them to all your Facebook friends who live near one of our campuses? There’s no better way for them to spend the weekend then hearing about the life changing love of Christ at Southbrook Church!
See you there!