Live Well — Part 5 — “Leave Well” …The other half

Click here to read the first half of this post that I wrote this morning.

Can we move on now?


Before I mention how you can leave well I thought it might be important to list the legitimate reasons for leaving in the first place. So, in no particular order, here they are:

  • The church is no longer following the purposes of Christ (Bible rendition of these, please—not your own).
  • The pastor is involved in gross immoral, unlawful, or unethical sin (Again, Biblically defined — rather than ‘whatever’ bugs you).
  • The denomination has drifted away from orthodox teaching.
  • The denomination now condones sinful behavior and even endorses and hires according to their new found revelations (Once again…well, you know.).
  • The church does not lift up Jesus Christ, but rather man, or anything or anyone above Christ.

Now, that’s not meant to be an exhaustive list by any means but it’s good enough to get us started—especially at seeing a mind-bogglingly dangerous trend all but ignored by so many in today’s churches.

Go back and look at the list again. Anything jump out at you?

Yep. Not only do people not leave for these reasons (as I’m sure you expected me to point out—and I will) but they actually ignore and sometimes even flock (no pun intended) to congregations because some of these situations exist.

Can you imagine that?

No? I’ll give you an example. A lot of times when you see or read about (hear about, whatever) churches who’s pastor was involved in sexual sin, you’ll quickly see that they have known for a while and have done absolutely nothing about it. I imagine the theory is that they want to be gracious and forgiving and all that, so they turn a blind eye. After all, he’s only human too.

So fire his butt and show him grace as a lay person! Then read I Timothy chapter 3 again only this time actually pay attention. The man is done, disqualified—it’s over. God forgives and we should too, but He is no longer fit to shepherd a body of believers. Period. This isn’t even fuzzy, it’s clear cut. Oh, and it’s one other thing…

Extremely unpopular. Take this stand and people will leave your church…but they won’t leave well. You can count on that.

Next, the church no longer follows the purposes of Jesus Christ. Instead they follow their own agenda and vision. For a refresher course on the purposes of Jesus click here and here.. Your church teaching those? Living those? If not, you belong to a social club, not a church. Here are some recently popular ‘purposes’ at social clubs today posing as churches:

  • Jesus came so that you and I could be healthy, wealthy and prosperous. Hmm, if that’s the case, the club founders (Jesus and His disciples) were miserable failures dying as martyrs and penniless.
  • Jesus came to make us the coolest, slickest, most Hollywood like group around. Really? Then why are so many Christ followers so cheesy at everything they do? Relevant is one thing — using the world as your role model is quite another. We are told to be in the world and not of it. Sadly, today more Christians ‘of the world and not in it.’
  • Jesus is just one big, fluffy, love machine. All this talk of God’s wrath has not place today. Again, these things would make old. Arseneo Hall come out of retirement just to do one last segment of , “Things that make you go, hmm.” While it’s true that God is a God of perfect love, He’s also a HOLY God and demands both worship and reverence—two things He seldom receives in a lot of churches today.
  • Jesus is ‘A’ way to heaven, ‘A’ way to God, but not the only way. Take a look at John 14:6 then try to say that again with a straight face.

Ok, I’m not giving anymore space to these ridiculous counterfeits. If you study God’s Word you can spot’em in a heart beat.

The point is, a lot of churches today have found the connection between preaching a ‘feel good gospel and attracting a larger crowd. And the sometimes scary connection between preaching Christ’s purposes and the widening of their back-door. And, well let’s just say, loosing people for any reason is a chance they’re not willing to take—even for God.

What about denominations condoning and even endorsing sinful behavior? Well, this one’s the biggest no-brainer of them all. If a church is supporting the things God is against—it’s not a church. They’re playing for the wrong team—time to leave. Just make sure you leave well.

And finally, what about churches today that left up a man over Jesus? I’m taking about the Rock Star pastors and Oprah like shepherds who are better than Borat at self promotion but can hardly find a spare second to throw Jesus a bone.

This is a relatively new phenomena and most seem afraid to call it what it is. So here’s what I’m gonna do—just for you. Let’s keep it real simple. Here’s what God says about sharing His glory with others:

Isaiah 42:8, I like the way “The Message” puts it;

I am God. That’s my name. I don’t franchise my glory, don’t endorse the no-god idols.

So simple even a kindergartener can understand—yet highly educated seminary grads and leaders of mega churches can’t. Go figure.

Well, this was a long part 2 and I didn’t even get to how you LEAVE WELL!

That will now have to wait for tomorrow.

My bad.