No, this isn’t a blog post about how to train your dog to sit still. It’s all about living a life that is pleasing to Jesus. You can catch up with the whole thing here, here and here. <— IN that order.
Today I want to take a look at ‘staying well,’ as it has to do with being a vital part of a local church body.
Know what’s somewhat popular and yet incredibly nauseating in the Bible belt? Being part of a local church for no other reason than, it’s the thing to do here in “God’s Country.” Until I moved to the soooouuuuth, I didn’t even know God had a green card for a specific area let alone a permanent address. I always thought He was, well, you know—omnipresent. Silly me. But I was quickly educated. Yup, this here’s God’s country.
Ok, who am I to argue?
So I decided, ‘if you can’t beat’em—join’em,’ as they say. And I began searching for the powerful presence of the Lord in the more than 700 churches in these here parts.
Either He’s hiding or I’m a poor searcher in the game of hide and seek and should do everything I can to never get picked for that role.
Actually, there is a third possibility. Even a fourth.
The third is that He (God) put in a change of address years ago and folks around here didn’t get a copy of the form. But somehow I don’t think that’s what happened.
Nope, I think it’s the fourth—God is still here but…
Few are looking for Him anymore. Oh, we’re still playing hide and seek, it’s just that we are seeking the kind of fix we want. So we turn to Dr, Phil, or Oprah, or savior politicians, or health-care reform, or a stimulis to get us going again. Others turn to drugs (illegal or prescription), alcohol, sex, pornography, etc. The list is endless—only one rule.
1. You can look anywhere—try anything. As long as you stay away from Jesus.
But that’s about as logical as telling someone they can eat all they want as long as they don’t swallow! Or that you don’t mind if they smoke, as long as they don’t exhale! You can speak as long as no one can hear you! Go ahead and ride with me, just don’t touch my car!
Talk about exercises in futility! If your goal is to know God and live out the life you were made for, every other path is a waste of time other than the one that leads to Him!
Ok, rant over.
What does all of this have to do with ‘staying well?’ Only that we (Christ Followers) need to find a local church that is solidly teaching the Word of God, reaching the lost, discipling the believer, worshiping Jesus, serving one another and living in community and then…
Defend that body as though it were your own—because it is!
Don’t stay at a church just because you have friends there, or you like the coffee shop, the messages aren’t too long, they don’t ever talk about stewardship, expect anything from you, or even care if you serve at all.
What a waste! That place might make a good country club but it makes a lousy church.
On the other hand, don’t embark on a 50 year quest to uncover the ‘perfect church.’ You’ll just ruin it when you decide to join—or sis no one ever tell you you’re not perfect?
Well, now you know. If you got nothing else out of today’s post at least I helped clear that one up for you!
But, if you do find a church that strives to…
- Glorify God
- Go out into the world to reach the lost
- Give of themselves in both time and resources
- Gather together in community by meeting in smaller groups
- Grow the new believers into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
then you’ve hit the jack pot, my friend!
Stay there and ‘stay well.’
How does one ‘stay well?’
Didn’t we just go over this? See the above list.
Then add one final thing. Row in sync with the rest of the crew and quit rocking the boat. If your oar is in the water and you’re pulling hard in the direction of the vision and mission of your church with everyone else—good news…
You won’t even have time to rock the boat.
So, for you perpetual church hoppers and bargain shoppers—stay where you are.
And ‘stay well.’