Ever had a job you just hated? It’s sometimes hard to give it everything you’ve got. Especially if the following are true:
- Your boss is a jerk
- The hours are brutal
- The end goal seems pointless
- The product is inferior
- The business itself is a bit shady
- The pay is unfair
- You’re constantly passed over for promotions
- The financial stability of the company is always in doubt
Yeah, who wants to work under those conditions?!
Well, for starters, those who are currently unemployed.
But there ought to be another group who will perform well—even under these less than desirable conditions and circumstances. I’m talking about the Christ follower. For this transformed individual a job is no longer just a job. For the true believer seeking to please the King—everything they do is done as though Jesus was the employer rather than Dunder Mifflin. Here’s what God’s Word has to say about it:
Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. I Peter 4:11
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Eph. 6:7
Hmm, Christ Follower, who do you work for? Hint (the answer can be found in the title, “Christ Follower”).
Then, work well!
Don’t be the Facebook updating, solitaire playing, water cooler gossiping, complaining, MySpace adjusting, texting looser! Be the employee or employer the company can’t do without! Be the one that makes everyone else scratch their heads and wonder how you do it.
Then tell them. It’s Christ living in you.
Then invite them to our United series beginning August 30th so they can meet this Jesus for themselves! But, when it comes to the work you do—above all else,
“Work Well!”