A Final Plea

Ever have a scary feeling that you might not see someone you care about—ever again? That feeling is all over the last chapter of the great book of Hebrews. It’s like the prison guards are coming to cut off the phone time the inmate had for his ‘one phone call.’ Hebrews is Paul’s (as far as I can tell) one phone call and you can almost feel someone pulling the receiver away from him.

What would you say to those you care about if you had limited time and you really believed it might be the last time you see them on this side of eternity? There’s an optimistc part of Paul that really seems to believe he’ll have years of ministry ahead of him, but there’s also this nagging doubt running throughout the book that grows to a cresendo in the final chapter.

What if I don’t ever get out?

Join us this weekend for the wrap up of this seven month series and the final installment of Hebrews.

See you there.