When you Defend Everything, you Defend Nothing!



It’s true, and it’s another lesson form the great leaders of the Civil War.


When General Robert E. Lee was headed to Gettysburg with around 70-85,000 men he appealed to the confederate president, Jefferson Davis for at least 11,000 additional men.


Request denied.




Because Jefferson had promised some of the southern governors that he would not leave their lands undefended.


11,000 men!


General Lee could not believe his eyes as he read the reply and was said to have asked again with this added argument,


“President Davis, the war will be won or lost right here and right now. This is where the armies are. This is where the war is being fought. You cannot defend everything and by doing so, you will end up defending nothing.”


He was right of course. It didn’t matter much whether those 11,000 troops made those politicians feel safer. They lost the war! Their troops were too spread out. While the men with General Lee were always put to good use…winning battles.


Church leaders? If we are not careful we can fall into this age old trap ourselves. Oh, attacks are sure to come if you are following the Lord’s call faithfully and obediently. And they will come in all manners and from all kinds of people. Occasionally, one might even be valid.


Most are not.


Choose what matters most to you and the vision and stand strong there. That is where you need to set up your best defense. But don’t try to defend yourself against every slander, gossip, envy or armchair Christian leader that has a computer and stays up late debating the finer points of predestination. You defend all these things and you’ll never accomplish the primary objective.


You’ll never see the vision come to pass.


Christ follower? You can’t defend everything. Don’t even try. If you do…


You’ll end up with nothing to defend.