#1 Call frequent meetings to see if everyone approves of the vision God gave you.
#2 Vote on whether or not we should allow the vision to be hijacked by anyone and everyone who has a differnt idea.
#3 Personally respond to every criticism you receive — especially the ones that come from those you never met that heard half a sermon from 3 years back about a topic they know nothing about.
#4 Give the majority of your time to those who make it crystal clear they don’t like you. Maybe you can change their minds.
#5 Give the highest level of authority and decision making to those with the fatest wallets and the most impressive secular jobs. Oh, and make sure they only attend about once a month at most.
#6 Find the most contentious individuals in the church and place them in charge of a small group.
#7 Never monitor small groups to see if they are still on track with the vision.
#8 When you find a small group that is veering off course and leading others astray—ignore it. It will probably get better all on its own.
#9 When you start hearing a lot of people say that they have a hard time connecting at your church–blame them. They just aren’t trying hard enough.
#10 When you hire some one to do grow small gorups and they do not grow–give them at least 5 more years. Your church is different.
I’m sure there are more, but try these if you want a short cut to losing your mind!