Good Cop/Bad Cop – Part 2

Go here for part 1 of this mini-series.


So, there’s a good fear and a bad fear. Let’s deal with the bad first.


Bad Fear


  • paralyzes us and keeps us from doing great things for God
  • Often causes us to focus on selfish things (i.e. “I don’t want to speak at such and such because I might look dumb in front of all of those people.”).
  • Can make us miss out on a lot of life’s very best things (love, friendship, fun, thrills, etc.).
  • Can cause us to distrust even good things and good people.
  • Can make us do stupid things
  • Can cause us to underestimate the enemy (We’re so afraid of what Iran and North Korea might do is we upset them that we are allowing them to get more and more powerful).
  • Can make us lash out in anger for wrong reasons.


Good Fear


  • Can keep us from doing something stupid
  • Can literally save our lives.
  • Can give us added strength and adrenaline to get involved when we really need to
  • Can keep us on the straight and narrow
  • Can keep us from complacency as we constantly evaluate where we really stand with God


And it is this last one that I will be talking about this weekend as we continue our journey through the book of Hebrews.


Don’t miss it!




* Also, since we ran out of car decals 4 and 5 last Sunday—we will offer them once again (for free) this Sunday. So, don’t miss this chance to get one free and help tell others about Southbrook Church!