Fathered By God

Fathered by GodWhat a concept, huh?

In a day of missing fathers, delinquent male role models and deadbeat dads—along comes the refreshing idea that there’s a heavenly Father out there who longs to fill the void in every man’s heart.

In every woman’s heart too.

Tonight at Southbrook’s Weddington Campus, John Eldridge shared from his heart about the journey every little boy takes to manhood.

and the many things that short-circuit that journey for most of us.

But there’s hope even for those who never even knew their dad.

You are fathered by God.

He longs to be your comforter and counselor and the one who gives you courage and strength and cheers you on as you discover the gifts He placed within you. He takes great delight in speaking to our hearts that we are worthy to receive this love because His Son paved the way for us to be seen just as He is. That’s why we are called sons and daughters of God. Check it out…

2 Cor. 6:18, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

Isn’t that a great relief in this crazy world that often beats us down and tells us in so many ways that we are worthless?

It doesn’t matter what kind of father you had or how you’ve been hurt—no hurt is unfixable with the love of “Father God.” I hope you will join me in embracing this truth today.

What do you think?

Your heavenly Father awaits.