I’m going at take a little break and spend some time with the Fam!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this Christmas time at Southbrook a unforgettable victory for Jesus! Thousands came through the doors through many different outreaches—from “Breakfast with Santa” to “A Walk Through Bethlehem” to 6 Christmas Eve services at Southbrook Weddington and 2 at Southbrook Monroe. Many, many people were added to God’s family through faith in His Son, Jesus! And that’s the best present Jesus could have!
Also, you all
- Fed the hungry
- Helped needy families
- Took care of the hurting within the body of Southbrook
- Sacraficed time and sweat and even tears to perfect a drama that ministered to a whole lot of people. Thanks to Melissa Dudley who wrote it and Marty Siu who directed it, and to all the actors, singers and stage hands who helped pull it off! It was our best drama yet!
- Served at multiple services on multiple nights.
and so much more! You all are the greatest and that’s why Southbrook rocks!
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
See you in the New Year!
Enjoy the pictures!
Southbrook Monroe – Christmas Eve
Southbrook Weddington