Champions Again!

A Walk Through Bethlehem


Tonight was yet another home run for for the great folks who care for our children through Southbrook’s “Kid’s Cove.” I know I just blogged about them knocking it out of the park a few days ago with the “Breakfast with Santa” deal, but this was (if possible) even more of a success! The place was wall to wall people and not just kids, but entire families. They all went through this wonderful experience together.

And, as Dan said a few days ago on his guest blog, “It isn’t even over—the best is still yet to come.”

He’s right, every 12 months one of the highlights of the year is our Christmas Eve event. Over the years we’ve seen it grow from that very first one (around 110 people and a handful giving their lives to Christ) to last year when 3500 people came to one of 14 services over 2 days and over 200 came to faith in Christ! God seems to use this time more than any other to bring home those who are far from Him. And this year we are expecting around 5,000 Christmas week between the 2 campuses. For that reason, we really need your help in telling us which service you plan on attending and bringing folks to. To do so we ask that you pick up tickets at Southbrook Church (for the specific service you are planning to attend) and get them out to your friends ASAP! The tickets are free and mainly serve the purpose of crowd control. The more people who take advantage of the tickets, the better the experience will be for everyone.

SBCchristmasTICKETforWebHere are the options:

Tuesday evening, December 23rd at 6:30 and again at 8:30 in the main.

Wednesday evening, December 24th at 3:30, 5:30, and 7:30. There will also be a scaled down midnight service beginning at 11:00 pm (please note that this service does not include the drama. The drama is limited to the 5 above mentioned services and the central campus only.).

There will also be 2 services on December 24th in the brand new facility at our Monroe Campus. These will be at 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm (these services are candlelight services and do not include the drama). I hope this helps, and remember, though you won’t be turned away without a ticket, the first seats go to those who have tickets for that particular hour.

Here are some more pictures from, A Walk Through Bethlehem. Enjoy!



























































 More Pictures…























One star






































