October is pastor’s appreciation month and I wanted to say a great big thanks to all of you who encouraged me with a word or a card or a gift!
Some people have to get up and go to work each day. With me it’s never a “have to.” It’s a “get to.”
- I get to pastor the greatest church I’ve ever seen!
- I get to be married to the greatest woman on earth!
- I get to raise the two greatest kids I’ve ever seen!
- I get to serve with the most giving, loving, gracious group of individuals anywhere—the people who make up Southbrook Church!
I appreciate you too!
Hey, what’s this?
Oops, can we do this?
A little merlot for in the pastor’s appreciation basket?
Someone took my little baptist joke seriously, lol!!
Anyway, you all are the greatest!
See you this weekend for the second installment in our “Vintage Jesus” series. And you’ll want to invite like a bunch of banchies (not sure what a banchy actually is but I’m sure they’re intense!) because this weekend we have a surprise that will be off the hook!
Click here to send a Weddington campus invite and here for a Monroe one.