Crowd Management

Hi gang!

With the back to school folks showing up in droves (what exactly is a drove anyway?) we all need to make a shift.

There are a couple of places that have some room and a couple of places that really, really don’t.


Saturday Evening @ 6:30

Sunday morning @ 8:30

Sunday morning 11:30 Video Cafe



Sunday morning Central Building @ 10:00

Sunday Morning Video Cafe @ 10:00

Sunday morning Central Building @ 11:30


If any of these options work for you, we would greatly appreciate everyone making some shifts. Remember, this is only for about 5 more weeks as we approach the 2nd weekend in October and the opening of the ginormous building at Southbrook Central. New service times will start out as 9:00 am Sunday and 11:00 am Sunday and extra services will be added as needed (or, if history is any indicator) or immediately!

PS Remember that there is a baptism THIS Sunday after the 11:30 service, down at the pool. If you’ve placed your faith in Jesus Christ and have not yet been water baptized, join us there for a great time of identifying ourselves with our Lord!