Surrender or Attack?

This was the theme for this year’s leadership getaway at Southbrook. We actually didn’t go too far this year and nothing very exotic.


Camp Singleton to be exact.



But it was my favorite leadership getaway we’re ever had. I guess the home court advantage really is a big deal.


Why the “Surrender or Attack” theme?


Well, it has a lot to do with the current state of things not only across the country and around the world, but also in a lot of local churches.


Notice how everything seems to be doom and gloom these days?


For example:

  • The earth is burning up. It’s on fire from global warming! We’re all going to burn (Incidentally, here in the Charlotte, North Carolina area we are coming off one of the colder winters in one hundred years and about to wrap up one of the coolest summers as well. Somebody didn’t get the memo).

  • The glaciers are melting! Run for higher ground! We’re all going to drown!
  • Sell your vehicle and bicycle to work. Oil is disappearing from the ground.
  • We’re all going to starve! Because we are using food for fuel now (corn and rice) there’s a food shortage! We’re going to starve to death (that is, if we don’t burn up or drown first)!
  • It’s America’s fault!
  • Especially the men!

I could go on and on, but you probably sense the sarcasm. So, what have you done? Have you joined the nay-sayers? Are you planning on having a last meal and then laying down and waiting for death’s sweet kiss?


A lot of people are. They’ve decided to surrender, to quit, to hunker down and ride out the storm. And, sadly, the reaction of many churches and church leaders is the same. They are no longer advancing God’s kingdom. They are no longer moving out in faith and attempting great things for God. No, instead they have adopted a ‘wait and see’ mentality.


How do they do this in light of verses like 2 Timothy 1:7?

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Christians shouldn’t be running scared no matter what the economy is. Christ followers should never hunker down and wait for more ‘favorable’ circumstances—look at the underground church in China. Circumstances have never been good form them yet they are experiencing and absolute explosion in growth!


So, I challenge our staff not to give in to the surrender mindset, but rather, to “ATTACK!” As Christ followers and leaders of Christ followers, we should be taking territory from Satan on a daily basis. And we do not need to let up under any circumstances until that final day.


Surrender or attack?


Which mode are you in?


Here are some pictures from our time together.






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