Today when I stood before the group at our Southbrook Monroe campus a flood of emotions washed over me.
I know that sounds like a cheesy line from a romantic novel or something but it’s so true. I was taken back instantaneously to the very early days of Southbrook Church as it rose from the ashes of Grace Community Church…
May she rest in peace.
Only there were about twice as many people at Southbrook Monroe and the energy was much better! I know I won’t get a lot of opportunities to do this, but after today I’m going to figure out a way. This launch team is ready to storm the gates of Hell with Walmart issue squirt guns if need be!
Watch out Monroe!
Some great things I noticed right away—things church plants usually take over a year to get right:
- A rockin, well organized, fun children’s ministry
- Warm, informative, friendly greeters and 1st impressions folks everywhere you turned
- The worship was off the hook!
- The preaching was phenomenal—oops, I was daydreaming for a second.
- Coolest thing? A vibe that was everywhere and with everyone that seemed to anticipate God doing great things!
- The children were having fun, the teens were tracking. Everyone was on vision!
- We probably had over 150 people all together (not bad for a brand new multisite/outreach mission—launched in the middle of the summer!)!
Yep, it was a great day at Southbrook Monroe.
I heard it was pretty awesome over at Southbrook Central too! And in the Video Cafe!
Now if I could just figure out how to be in 3 places at once.
Here are a couple more pictures for you all to enjoy.