I have been pacing like a caged animal of late. I really miss preaching and all the Southbrook family! I usually take about a month away every summer to gear up for the Fall, but the entire “One Prayer” series has actually extended my time away from the pulpit.
There, I’m glad I got that out of my system. And for those who care to know, I will be back at it this weekend for the kick off of our brand new series, “Heroes.” We’re going to take a look at some likely and not so likely heroes from God’s Word and see that God still uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
No one is more ordinary than me.
Yet Southbrook is one EXTRAordinary place with unbelievable stories of lives transformed for Jesus! I’m thrilled to be a part of it, and I really believe I have the best job on planet earth! I work with the best staff on planet earth at the best church on planet earth. There might be something better on planet Romulek or something, but until I see it, I’m not believing it!
Anyway, I hope to see you all this weekend.
I’ve missed you!
P.S. One more way cool thing. I got the following message from Dan Rutty (our worship pastor) this afternoon about something pretty cool that 91.9 is doing called. “My Church Band Rocks!”
Anyway, someone got one of the songs off the last ‘Return’ CD on there and it’s being voted into the number one slot! Isn’t that cool? Well, to assure it wins, why don’t you take a second to read this message from Dan and then head on over to the 91.9 website and vote?! And please don’t assume they don’t need your vote—somewhere between midnight and 6:00 am someone hit the vote button for one of the other bands over and over again. Sad but true, so please don’t forget to add yours.
You can vote as much as you want—once every 30 minutes or so. So vote and vote often!
Hey guys. I thought this contest was over months ago, but I just received this email from Peri. “Pour” made the top three for the “My church band Rocks” contest. I was wondering if you could get the word out for people to vote at the link below.
Click the following link —> http://www.newlife919.com/
Voting goes for now until next Wednesday.
Thank you. Dan