
CIMG2895Since most of us aren’t seeing a whole lot on the outside of the new building, I thought I’d give you an update on the inside.

Right now we are in the dry-waling stage and most of the stone and cinder-block work is now complete. The stage is already defined and even the giant 20 foot high – nearly 70 feet wide screen is mostly done.

You can see where the Starbuck’s like coffee shop will be and the bookstore area is just about dry walled as well.

In a nutshell, we are right on track to see the building complete in September. This means our grand opening is almost at hand (most likely the first weekend in October)! Aren’t you excited?!

This building will hold nearly 1300 people! A far cry from the 500 max we can achieve between the main building and the video cafe at present.

Which brings up a point. What will we do with these two buildings once the ginormous building is complete? Well, the present main building will be turned over to our huge children’s ministry so that they can have the room they need to grow. The video cafe will be the new and exclusive home to Southbrook Student ministries.

It works out great, don’t cha think?

CIMG2896But we aren’t waiting for new buildings to see our great God take things up ten notches! So far this year we have seen over 400 people give their lives to Jesus Christ. We have seen nearly 80 families commit to reaching the city of Monroe through our newest campus—Southbrook Monroe, over 100 kids give their lives to Jesus through our awesome VBS outreaches at Southbrook Central and Southbrook Monroe, many folks professed Jesus through water baptism, and we know the best is yet to come!

Speaking of outreach, I hope each and every one of you will plan on being a part of helping the children of Benton Heights Elementary School this coming weekend. We have hundreds of backpacks with supply lists attached and opportunities to purchase uniforms for hundreds and hundreds (if not all) of the kids at the school!

See, great things are happening, soooooo, keep asking yourself, “Where can I be used?”

And think of this as a little teaser. I hope you all will keep this grand opening in your prayers. Be thinking about who you will be inviting. It promises to be the biggest event in our entire history!

More pictures…

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