The 4th!

CIMG0784This year we finally got talked into going to the Waxhaw July 4th celebration.

In a word, WOW!

The fireworks were pretty cool, but that’s not what wowed me the most. What blew my mind was that it almost felt more like a Southbrook Church celebration than a ‘Waxhaw one! Everywhere we looked there were people from Southbrook church. When we finally settled in to our spot in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere, the people to our left were from Southbrook as were the folks to the right!

It was a not so subtle reminder of the tremendous responsibility and reach that this church has. I never take it lightly anyway, but this was a not so subtle reminder. The Bible says, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” We’ve been given much as a church—Brookies. Let’s be good stewards of each and every person who comes our way!

Keep on inviting your friends and neighbors to be a part of the life changing experiences at Southbrook Church—a place where God is on the move!

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