Champion of the Week

ScottLast week my son and I wrapped up another great season of soccer with one major difference from the previous 7. This year he played for the Southbrook Legacy Sports league!

At first I was a bit skeptical about putting him in this league. Afterall, he’s played several years of fairly competitive soccer and this was a new league. The kids were new. Some had never played organized soccer at all. But then it hit me. Why do we even have a sports outreach ministry?

For outreach.

The bottom-line is that we want people to know of the love of Christ and to notice the difference in our coaches, the players and the overall philosophy.

And what a difference there is!

At the beginning of the season some of the parents did not even go to church, let alone Southbrook. By the end of the season, nearly all of them were coming to SCC! Many have plugged in already and a few are even serving in ministries already and joining lifegroups!

All and all I’d say Scott Tyson’s vision of an outreach sports ministry is a homerun!

Scott Tyson is the sports ministry pastor at Southbrook Church and you can read his blog here.

Thanks Scott (and all the coached and assistant coaches for all you do!