One Prayer Continues

OnePrayer-Preferred-LowResI’m thrilled to be a part of this history making series called, “One Prayer!”

For those of you who haven’t heard anything about it yet, it is a unifying of over 1400 churches and close to a million people in their passion to see God move in mighty ways through local churches around the world!

Wow! Besides breaking the record for the longest run on sentence, that statement says a lot! At no other time in history has this ever been attempted and we at Southbrook Church are excited to have a small role in it. Technology has made possible (through multi-sites, video teaching, the web and more) what no one could have even imagined just 20 years ago.

Southbrook church is also one of just 65 churches who presented a video message for the other 1450 churches to choose from. Please pray that the message I delivered last weekend live at Southbrook Church—”Lord, Make Us Engage!”— would be used mightily be the Lord at other churches who share the prayer that all church members need to be equally engaged in service to the Lord and to one another.

Also, here’s a head’s up as to who we will be hearing this weekend at Southbrook Church.

This week the first of four video teachers will be, New Spring Church’s, Perry Noble with the message, “Lord, Make Us Dangerous!” Perry is an intense, humorous and always passionate speaker you will not want to miss! Obviously, I’m not preaching this weekend, however, I will be there at all 4 live services to introduce Perry.

See you there!