Countdown Monroe!


Operation Monroe Outreach was in full swing tonight.

Location: Benten Heights Elementary School

Event: School concert and festival

Goal: serve the families of Benten Heights with food, fun and sharing God’s love.

Reason: Because Jesus asked us to.

These are the people we will reach out to with the love of Christ for years to come! These are a fraction of them, I should say. Around 500 showed up for this school event and Southbrook partnered with the good folks at Benten Heights Elementary school to make this a night they won’t soon forget! It was awesome to see our youth out there (and even a few adults) making balloon animals, face painting, cooking on the grill (enough to serve hundreds!) and anything else they could think of to let Monroe know Southbrook Church is serious and we are here to stay!

Anyway, check out a few other pictures and enjoy!



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