Today we officially gave our new building to God. Oh, it was always His anyway, but it helps to remind ourselves of that fact every so often.
Multitudes of us streamed into the shell of the new building at each service to write the names of lost loved ones (friends, family, classmates, neighbors and co-workers) on the floor and on the walls—into the very fabric of the building. We are trusting God to do an even greater work than we saw in our present building!
Here’s the theory. The church is alive. It’s an organism, not an organization. So we wanted to write scripture and prayers and the names of people into a permanent record of faith in what we are trusting God to do..
It will always be there.
A reminder of why we do what we do as a church. This weekend is one I will never forget as we covered the walls with offerings to God!
After this we gathered with some of the newcomers (about 80 of them) to have our monthly newcomer’s lunch. I gotta tell you, the folks coming to Southbrook lately are a fired up bunch.
I capped it all off with a message tonight to our youth. They packed the house to hear about how they can take it up another notch for Jesus. These young people are serious about being radical for Jesus!
Watch out North Carolina! God is going to do a great work through the people of Southbrook Church!
I love you guys!
Here are some other pictures form the day for you all to enjoy.