
CIMG2654Have you seen the progress on our new building?! This thing is going up at light speed! And not a moment too soon. The increase in crowds has gone on ever since Easter and shows no signs of letting up.

The building might help motivate but I don’t think that’s it.

I think it’s life change.

Everyone knows that people who only have a short time to live have amazing clarity with which they see life and live life. It’s a clarity and zest for life we all wish we could have without the “bad news.”

Well, here’s the good news. We can! And many folks are grabbing hold of this as we come to the end of our “One Month to Live” series this weekend with a powerful message you will want to bring everyone you can to hear!

And next week we will celebrate what God is doing in my very favorite way. You’ll have to join us both weekends to see.

That’s it for now.

Keep living like you’re dying!


PS Many of you asked about the gentleman on the video last weekend (Larry). Some of you wanted to know how you could pray for him, his family, etc. Well, it is with mixed emotions that I tell you all that Larry went home to be with Jesus about a month after filming the videos we all saw. Mixed emotions because, on the one hand we can celebrate his new body and the fact that he is with Jesus and in no more pain. In fact, he is happier than ever!

On the other hand, those he leaves behind have lost (for a time) a wonderful father, husband and child of God. It is for them we grieve. Please keep Larry’s wife and children in your prayers as they continue serving Jesus without him.

“Thank you, Larry, for being such an inspiration to the people of Southbrook!”