Heads Up!

There’s a lot going on right now at Southbrook Church. Last weekend was the biggest attended weekend we’ve had for this time of year—up significantly from last year! A lot of it is due to the buzz of the new building going up!


And the answer is, YES, the building will be ready by late August if it stays on schedule (and right now it is right on schedule). The cool thing about buildings going up is that it doesn’t have to actually be open before people start returning to a church. Just think of the ground breaking as a light at the end of the tunnel. People see that relief is finally right around the corner!

So what else is going on at Southbrook these days?

  • Southbrook:Monroe Campus has started! 8:30 Sunday mornings in the Video Cafe
    Join us for worship as we build our community while we wait for the building to open. Contact Nydia Pastoriza to help with retrofitting of the newly leased space.
  • Southbrook joins with Habitat for Humanity! Monroe build begins February 2
    We are building a house on Icemorleee St. in Monroe. Ages 16 and up are encouraged to join us each Saturday. Contact Lisa Carter to sign up.
  • Vacation Bible School Coming This June
    Registration for participants and volunteers now open for “Power Lab” where kids discover Jesus’ miraculous power. Just click on links more information and to register. Southbrook Central VBS will be June 16 – 20th, 6:30-8:30 pm. Southbrook Monroe VBS will be June 23-27th, 4:30-6:30 pm. Questions? Contact Crystal Kirton at 704-814-7372, ext. 103
  • Man Up Monday The first Mondaymorning of each month nearly 100 men gather to learn together how we can be better fathers, husbands, young men and singles for God.
  • 101 Class “Stepping Into the Brook” Has been moved to NEXT weekend (20th). Please mark your calendars accordingly.
  • Missions, missions and more missions!  In just a few weeks, we will be gearing up for the summer of missions with short term trips to Germany, Mexico and Honduras. These are life-changing opportunities to serve and show the rest of the world how our God cares for them.
  • The “One Month to Live” series continues and small groups are still forming to take complete advantage of this powerful series. Contact Jay Foreman at Southbrook Church or go to his blog here for more information.

That’s it for now! Gotta Go!