I’m in the later chapters of Genesis right now in my Quiet Time. It’s all about the life of Joseph (definitely one of my very favorite biblical personalities).
He’s actually a ‘type of Christ’ and the similarities with him and Jesus are perhaps more vivid than with any other Old Testament person.
Think about it:
- He was despised among his own,
- Accused without cause.
- Highly exalted after being condemned,
- Found favor with both God and man,
- Declared to be above all others in wisdom,
- The Spirit of God was manifest in him.
- Told of future events on earth.
- Placed over the house of the supreme ruler,
- Given all authority,
- Dressed in fine linen with gold accents,
- Every knee bowed before him
And these are only some of the similarities between Joseph and Jesus. How flat out awesome is this fore-shadowing of the coming Messiah?! Here are some more—I can’t help it!
- He began his earthly ministry at age 30.
- He brought forth fruit and a harvest in the land of famine and affliction.
- He fed the multitudes.
- Even while he was estranged from his own people, he was a blessing to the whole earth!
Through the life of Joseph we actually learn more about Jesus.
How cool is that?
But there is one major difference…
Jesus was and is perfect.
Just some thoughts.