One Month to Live begins this weekend!
No, we aren’t drinking Kool-Aid at the end of the 30 days, but we are learning together how to live with the same intensity and passion so often reserved for those who just learned they have a terminal illness.
Seriously, haven’t you ever wondered why in the world the human race lives 99.9 percent of their life in fantasy mode? Most of us have had someone close to us get the bad news and we’ve witnessed 1 of 2 things.
1. They either begin to live for what really matters in life, or
2. They panic and go into denial — fighting to return to the make believe position that no one really dies.
Isn’t it incredible that we are facing the incredibly difficult challenge today of reawakening people to the fact that this life is not all there is? Isn’t it a head scratcher that the human race has become expert at denying the undeniable?
At Southbrook we’ve chosen to go at this head on. Life on earth is too short to spend it in fantasyland. This is especially true when a heavenly paradise awaits those who live for God here on earth. We should be preparing for the place we’ll spend forever. That’s where we ought to be putting our efforts. That’s where we ought to be filling storage units. Listen to what Jesus said about it:
But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well. Matthew 6:33 (CEV)
I hope you all will plan on joining us for this adventure in meaning and purpose.
Remember, this Sunday at 4:00 pm in the main auditorium there will be a large gathering for those who still have not found a “One Month to Live” life group. Just show up and you can begin the series with many others just like you. Remember, to get the full benefit of this series you need to be in a 6 week group—that is where the magic happens!
Also, directly following the 11:30 service we will be having our ‘New-comers’ lunch. This is for anyone who has been coming to Southbrook a week or a year but have not yet taken the next step. Come learn what you always wanted to know about Southbrook and visit with our pastors over lunch (on us)!