Who Won?

Ok, I apologize for being late on this one, but though they were few, they were good (these stories)! But, we have a winner, and that person will receive a gift certificate for a dinner out with that special someone of their choice.

Drum role, please! (dadalut, dadalut)…

The winning post can be found here. Shhhhhh. Go there quietly, because he hasn’t even been told he won yet!

I’ll let him know tomorrow.

Now, why was this the winner among so many great stories? Well, what got me more than even the story itself was the impact it continues to have. The family where these parenting principles were applied is one of 5 siblings!—4 boys and 1 girl. And get this, they ALL remained virgins until marriage! Well, actually, the 1 girl is the youngest and she isn’t married yet, but she is determined to keep herself pure for marriage and if I were a betting man I’d say she keeps her promise.

What a heart-warming story in a day and age where we can’t even seem to get through a week of American Idol without some scandal’s pictures surfacing from yet another careless contestant.

My hats off to you _______  _______ the winner of our little contest! Tomorrow I’ll come back and fill the name in. For now I want you to click the link and read the story. It’s well worth it!

PS Oh, and I learned something. Next time I will limit the contest to comments because so many people wanted to participate but did not have blogs (rules are rules). I guess there’s just no forcing some people into the 21st century