Mission Focus of the Week


If you’ve only been to Southbrook within the last year or so than you may have missed one of the greatest stories ever!

I’m talking about the adoption of war torn Orphans from Liberia. For the whole story, follow this link and watch the two videos from the Oprah Winfrey show


Pretty cool, huh? Who would have imagined all this good would have come form all the pain and suffering of a nation ravaged through family devastation, war, and poverty? But God specializes in bringing good from even the ugliest of situations.

Satan should put that in his pitchfork and smoke it!

And this mission will forever be at the center of our hearts at Southbrook Church because these kids now live among us and are growing by leaps and bounds—physically, emotionally and, most importantly, spiritually.

Four years ago families were wondering how in the world these kids would ever adjust. Today they are just like any other kids—only they live with a sense of gratefulness knowing that God has given them a second chance at life.

Was it an easy road?

What do you think? No way. There were hardships, adjustments, jealousy, envy, misunderstanding. But love (First Corinthians 13 style) made all the difference in each and every case. Honestly, I can’t imagine Southbrook Church without all our kids form Liberia!

Oops, they’re not all kids anymore…

Man they grow up fast! God’s good gifts to us all!

Ever feel like you have nothing? They must have felt this way most of their lives? But why is it that people with so little are often the most full of joy? — because joy is one thing that is not in short supply in the Christian orphanages. It’s all about the focus of your heart:

He has sent His angels to care for you, His

Holy Spirit to dwell in you, His church to

encourage you, and His Word to guide you.


Anytime you speak, He listens; make a

request and He responds.


He will never let you be tempted too much

or stumble too far.


Let a tear appear on your cheek, and He is

there to wipe it.


Let a love sonnet appear on your lips, and

He is there to hear it.


As much as you want to see Him, He wants

to see you more…


You have been chosen by Christ…He has claimed you as His beloved.



When Christ Comes

Max Lucado

Well, gang, this is just one of the more than 25 different missions both domestically and internationally that we support at Southbrook Church. Next week we’ll celebrate another story.