We wrapped up our, “Friends with Benefits†series today with the message, “The No-Consequences Myth.†This was the first (and only) message in the four part series that I felt entirely comfortable having kids in the service. Why? Because I knew even kids needed to hear the one solution to every problem we talked about all month long. In a word?
And 41 people placed their trust in Christ for salvation! That will never get old to me. Each time I see this happen right before my very eyes it is like witnessing the birth of a baby. Physical birth is a phenomenal miracle no matter what perspective you’re coming from. In fact, I’ve never even heard an atheist treat it like nothing out of the ordinary. It’s the same thing with spiritual birth only better if you can believe it. Because this is not only a more rare event, but it’s also birth into the family of God and it’s something that never ends. Your membership in this family is eternally secure!
It was truly an awesome weekend!
Here are some other reflections I’ve had;
- This past month my quiet time has been from the book of 2 Corinthians. That just happens to be the book that matches February. Sounds like coincidence, doesn’t it? No way. The city of Corinth was the single most morally corrupt, spiritually confused, pagan city in the the apostle Paul ever dealt with. And we just happened to be doing a serious called, “Friends with Benefits?!†Coincidence? I don’t think so! So, much of what I taught throughout the month came right out of my personal time with the Lord. Which is not only good for me but it’s good for Southbrook as well because, it is NO secret…apart from the Lord speaking to me and through me…I have nothing to say!
- I seriously love our church, and I love what God has called us to do…there is no place on planet earth that I would rather be. Southbrook is just eight years old and has it’s very best days still ahead!
- The 41 people added to God’s family this weekend begins another year of hundreds and hundreds of changed lives! This NEVER gets old!!! And folks–this makes everything WORTH IT!!! The critics, the sleepless nights, the stress filled days and nights–EVERYTHING…seeing people step across the line of faith and confess Jesus as Lord is FRESH every time!!!
- We began a once a month, ‘Newcomer’s Lunch’ today with 50 folks! It was great to share for about 15 minutes, have pastor Geoffrey share about life-groups and then all our pastors sit and talk with all the new folks and their families! I met some great people at this thing!
- We are in week four of our Monroe Campus kick-off and the interest and dedication to reach the community of Monroe is steadily growing. If I had to attach one phrase to this group committed to being a part of the Monroe team, it would be, “Servant Leadership.†They model it perfectly.
- I’m fired to hear Southbrook’s own, “Return Worship†take over the weekend (in 2 weeks) as we have an entire weekend of ‘off the hook’ worship and praise led by, Return!
That’s it for now, gang. Thanks for inviting your friends and neighbors. For those of you who saw your loved ones cross that line of faith, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, “It was worth it!â€
And thanks for letting me be your pastor!
It’s the greatest job on earth!
Pictures from the Newcomer’s lunch…enjoy!