Confusing Trends — Part 2


Did you forget about this one?

<—– Maybe these guys will jog your memory.

I know. I know. I’d like to forget that picture too! But it helped prove a point.

If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, go here and read the post.

I’ll wait.

Done? Well then, you know that I was talking about sporadic attempts to raise the dead (my little way of referring to anemic Christian men) and their limited results.

I talked about how Promise Keepers did the trick for a while, then it was the book, “Halftime, followed by John Eldridge’s book, “Wild at Heart.”

All good defibrillators, however, without some sort of healthy game plan, most men fell right back into the danger zone. They’re already half dead again. And this is made all the more tragic when you consider the role of the man/father/husband in the family. Far from the Al Bundy, Married with Children dolt portrayed on TV, the man is to be the leader of the family. As the man goes, so goes the rest of the family.

Manning upThat’s why I’m thrilled about the more than 100 men who showed up at 6:15 AM on a Monday morning just to learn how they can shine in the areas God’s called them to shine in.

You guys are awesome. I hope you all are on track to bring someone with you to the next one on Monday, March 3rd @ 6:16!

But I digress. This was to be about a specific confusing trend I see among pastors. I’ll keep it short but sweet.

On the one hand, I’m thrilled to see fewer pastors trying to be Lone Rangers and going it alone in ministry. Ministry will eat you alive and it’s the loneliest of roads as it is, let alone traveling it in self imposed exile.

But on the other hand, I’m extremely disappointed to see so many pastors treating ministry and other pastors as “The Competition.” It’s not even worth getting together for all the posturing and information gathering/gossiping that often goes on. It’s hard enough for a group of ministers to get together, I for one don’t ever want to waste it one-upping each other.

But what’s the alternative? Going back into hiding and carrying around that silver bullet we put in the drawer the day we decided not to go it alone?

I mean, which is worse? I don’t want to be left choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

That’s why I’m thrilled to have found a third and I think better solution. It’s a lot slower in the developmental stage, but it will be built to last if you work at it.

Find humble, servant-hearted, godly men who have stood the test of time.

Keep it small and keep it real.

Not ‘yes men.’ Good grief, what a waste of time that is. But men who love you and love the church—men who will tell you the truth in love. Men, who if they have to hurt you (with the truth) at least they will stab you in the front rather than in the back.

So far it’s working form me. I have friends like that.

It can work for you too.

Don’t forget the “contest.” Time is slipping away from you! Details below:

Write a blog about the best thing(s) you (or your parents) ever did (a talk, a life lesson, a summer camp, the way you and your spouse modeled a healthy relationship, etc.) to help ensure that you or your young ones didn’t get swept up in the cultural current.

The best entry gets a night on the town on us (dinner, movie tickets).  I’ll pick a winner at the end of the series (end of February) provided we have at least 20 people participate–call me cheap, I don’t care. Dates cost a fortune these days!And just to keep this sane, here are the rules,

1. You must have a blog.

2. Write a post on your blog that tells others about the “mentoring moment(s)” — give us all the juicy details, please!

3. Include a link to today’s post. In other words, include the following link in the post you write,

4. Have your post up by noon, Wednesday, February 27th.

5. Include a link back to this post in your post.

5. Begin the whole process by linking at the bottom of that same post in the “Mr. Linky Box”. Please be sure to link the specific page that your entry post is on.

It’s that easy!