Someone owning/operating a Vegas casino paid over $20,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich that supposedly had the image of Christ in it.
People pay tens of thousands of dollars for vintage comic books, old (rare) baseball cards, antiques, etc.
The other day I was wondering what kind of price these same people would put on themselves—you know, a price tag with a dollar amount stuck right on their forehead. What would it read? $100,000? $1,000,000? Five dollars? Free? In the movie, Indecent Proposal, a young, married woman sells herself for a night at the price of a million dollars. Prostitutes do the same thing all over the world though few command that kind of price.
What a peculiar thing. Don’t they realize that the very act itself is like putting a actual value on yourself of ZERO?
I’m thankful we don’t set the price of human worth for several reasons:
1. Guys like Donald Trump would tend to inflate the price on himself and minimalize the value of others.
2. People who have had an especially rough go of it in this life would tend to think they are worth nothing.
3. And since there are over 6 billion people on planet earth right now, you’d tend to get, well, 6 billion different price valuations.
4. Finally, the human race is not qualified for this task because we don’t see ourselves correctly.
So what are we to do? How will we ever know?
Back to my grandfather’s statement. What is someone willing to pay?
The Good News: It’s even more than Demi Moore figured on in the movie
The Bad News: Even Bill Gates cannot afford it.
The BEST News: Someone already paid the bill!
I know. I know. You didn’t even know you were for sale did you?
That’s because this is a little more complicated than seeing a Century 21 sign out in a front yard. It’s a little more like what goes on in professional sports. Every year in baseball, basketball and football there are players bought by other teams. Whether they were traded, free agents or fresh out of the draft, the team that wants them has to pay a price.
Spiritually speaking, mankind started out playing for the all Heaven team. There were only 2 original players (Adam and Eve) so it must have been tennis — mixed doubles. Well, they decided their team owner/Creator was holding out on them and started inquiring as to other options.
So they ate of the tree of free agency and the rest is history. Mankind has been playing for the darkside ever since.
You say, ‘well then, there can’t be much competition because that leaves us with only one team.’
No, Jesus Christ has been picking up player’s options and buying out the remaining contracts of these same players for a couple thousand years. So there are 2 teams.
And the price Jesus paid for YOUR contract answers the value question we started this whole thing off with.
How much are you worth.
Jesus gave His life.
The life of God’s own Son is the highest price ever paid for anything.
One more question still remains.
How much is that seeking, un-churched, tire-kicking friend, family member or co-worker worth to you?
Bring them to
It’s only 3 days away. Better start making sure they’re coming.
Eva Young said, “To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”
Benjamin Franklin said, “You may delay, but time will not.”
So, again, my suggestion too you all is this: Start right now. I don’t mean tomorrow. I don’t even mean when you are finished reading this post.
I really mean it. Start now. Right now.
If you saved this and you are on a plane right now than close your computer and start up a conversation with that person next to you who is also flying into Charlotte-Douglas airport and who also calls this place home.
If you are at home, go grab the phone and make arrangements with that person you know needs to be there.
The point is, do something and do it now. The blog will wait.
See you all there!
Don’t forget the “contest.†Time is slipping away from you! Details below:
Write a blog about the best thing(s) you (or your parents) ever did (a talk, a life lesson, a summer camp, the way you and your spouse modeled a healthy relationship, etc.) to help ensure that you or your young ones didn’t get swept up in the cultural current.
The best entry gets a night on the town on us (dinner, movie tickets). I’ll pick a winner at the end of the series (end of February) provided we have at least 20 people participate–call me cheap, I don’t care. Dates cost a fortune these days!And just to keep this sane, here are the rules,
1. You must have a blog.
2. Write a post on your blog that tells others about the “mentoring moment(s)†— give us all the juicy details, please!
3. Include a link to today’s post. In other words, include the following link in the post you write,
4. Have your post up by
5. Include a link back to this post in your post.
5. Begin the whole process by linking at the bottom of that same post in the “Mr. Linky Boxâ€. Please be sure to link the specific page that your entry post is on.
It’s that easy!